« Alpha Soul Jeff Concept #2

Brown Paper Age

Adrian Marceau - 2005/10/10

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Brown Paper Age
Title :Brown Paper Age
Artist :Adrian Marceau
Published :October 10th, 2005
Mediums :Graphite PencilInk Pen
Tags :adrian-m
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You know how in school, when you get textbooks sometimes the teacher makes you wrap them in brown paper or wrapping paper or something to keep the covers from getting damaged? Well I had to do that too.

The teacher specifically asked us not to mark on the wrapping because it would go through and mark the books. I am sort of a terrible student I guess so I did so anyway and drew this on the cover so that anyone would be able to tell it was mine.

While it's not the best piece of art, I liked it, and I think the shading was okay by my standards. Haha. I don't really like the face. but oh well.

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