Over the years I've tried my hand at creating several different web-comics but very few of them got past the initial planning phase. There were a few, however, that actually made it into actual production - however short-lived - and I thought I should share them.
This comic takes place after the events of the MegaMan Battle Network series and follows the life of Adrian and Chris - two young students anxious to learn more about Net-Battling. Production of this comic was halted at the 11th page with plans to redo it as a Flash movie, unfortunately that movie was never completed and the comic remains on a cliff-hanger. While working on the Flash movie, I created a informational flier for the new "e-PET" gadget which would have been introduced later in the story. The flier contains details some of the new features of the device and I thought it might be worth posting as well (Page 1, 2, 3).
"After years of fighting, Lan and MegaMan's war was finally over. Peace returned to the internet, Navis, and humans alike. The world was entering a golder age of perfection. But history repeats itself. Enter our new hero and his best friend - Adrian and Chris - one a spunky high school student and the other a boy genious and son of the famous Mr.Higsby."